Frequency part II

Words are just Letters, Right!

Well lets take a look at the research of Dr. Masaru Emoto. First lets see who Dr. Emoto is. He was born July 22, 1943 in Yokohama, Japan. Went to college at the local Municipal University. In the 1990’s started experimenting with water and human consciousness. In 1992 he became A Doctor of Alternative Medicine. He is a researcher, author, photographer, and entrepreneur, who claimed that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular  structure of water. Dr. Emoto’s research shows that are words can change the molecular structure of water. When put in glass containers of water with positive words written on the jar, a drop of water taken hours later and then frozen. Formed beautiful crystal formations. Water take from jar of water with negative words on the jar had misaligned formations.This video shows Dr. Emoto’s work. his book:


So why do are words matter? The average adult human is made up of about 60% water in their body. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, The brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water, The skin contains 64% water, the muscles and kidneys are 79% and even the bones are 31% water. As you can see we are made up of a lot of water. The words we speak, or are spoken to us, the music we listen to, are own thoughts can effect our body systems.

The bible tells us to encourage one another,

1 Thessalonions 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as fact you are doing.

We need to use words of encouragement, love, lifting not only others , ourselves as well……..Words for thought. Change your frequency one word at a time.

Hippie Chick




Why Frequency Matters. Part I

Frequency- b :  the number of complete oscillations (see oscillation 3) per second of energy (such as sound or electromagnetic radiation) in the form of waves. Merriam Webster Dictionary

Why do we need to be concerned about frequencies?

All living matter has frequency. We can resonate at different frequency through out our life. High frequency is life, low frequency is disease, and no frequency is death. So what changes that frequency through out our life? Our words, food, attitudes, and environment.

The words we speak change frequency. It doesn’t change just our frequency, but those around us. A person, child, animal, plant, anything with frequency can be altered by words we speak. So we need to speak words of affirmation, not words of destruction.

The food we put in our bodies make a difference. Eat living, fresh food from local farmers market is best. Staying away from processed, dead foods.

The attitude we carry also affects are frequency. A positive, happy attitude. raises your frequency. A negative, nasty attitude lowers your frequency.

The environment you live also changes your frequency. Living in a chemical free home, or living in a toxic wasteland…. Are you seeing where this leads.

In the weeks to come I’ll break each one down. Show you how to make a change one step at a time. Helping you raise your frequency above the wellness line. Supporting your body.

Stay tuned……..Hippie Chick. 🙂